Monday, September 6, 2010

the best of the "6 months"i had...!!

At start,things were looking very exiting!! I had made great plans for my vacations!! My to do list looked something like this:
1- gotta loose weight!!
2- start with drawing
3- remove flab from your body.....
4- enjoy with friends
5- SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I must say i could surely complete some parts of my to do list...I could complete my point no. 2,4 and 5!!
The best part of my vacations were that i could sleep for hours and hours together without my mom shouting at me "wake up!! you've to study for your exams!!" I would roam around with my frnds the rest of the day. And the remaining time will be spent on facebook. :P Life felt like heaven to me!!! Carefree life!! i loved it that way..!! But this was the 1st phase of my "6 months"vacations...

In the second part of the vacations...things started to get boring! Everyone will have their status update as "damn bored of being bored." A sedentary kinda life got me to gain more weight...thats the worst part of the vacations!! Everyone was gonig through the sameee bored feeling...This was the time when i met many new friends. Though they were online friends,they made(even now make) really good pals!!! This was the period when i started making brotherly relations with guys. I started getting really possesive about one of my "so called brother"and he turned out to be the biggest jerk in the whole wide world!! But cover it up for him,i had made another sweet brother. He's mature enough and can totally understand me. Ive made many more awesome friends!!!!!! I love all my friends alottt!! They mean alot to me. Friends were the only thing that made life a bit interesting for me in this 2nd phase of the vacations....

The 3rd phase of the vacations started with boredom as usual...but for me,life changed drastically! Life took a completely new turn! No one was even prepared for it. A sudden attack took away my grandmom. I was already half killed with my jerky brother's attitude. This completely devastated me. It was hard to pull myself back and move on with life. I had my sister to support. I can never see her cry. I never cried jst so that i could help her out of her lonliness. But yeah.. you have no other option but get strong and move on. This part of my vacations was filled with only confusion!! I suddenly had to do many other jobs which i never had done in my life before! Its like, everything is comming right at you...all together and strong!! It was hard to manage at start.But now,im completely stabalized. I knw wht i am doing. I know to do many more jobs than facebook and sleeping. :D

in short..these 6 months have made me a much more stronger person!! Ive lernt to move on,Ive lernt to let go,ive lernt to do some work and the best of all...ive started learning for ARCHITECTURE!! Im damn serious about my architecture. Ive never been so serious before in my whole lifetime!! It means alot to me. It means more than my friends to me. Afterall,when i didnt have my friends ... all that i had with me was my art..I can never possibly let go of it!!