Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day of college!!!!!!

Like any other teenager,I had high hopes for college!!! Talking about college really exited the hell outta me!! And the last 6 months made me more desprate to go to college.FINALLYYYYY!!! The day came!! My 1st day of college!! one part of me was damn worried if i could actually come out of my shell and talk to unknown people...My girl friends would deciede among themselves what to wear for the 1st day. But i am not one of those sorts. I suddenly started getting a feeling if im different from them..I mean,what intrests girls mainly is not of any great intrest to me...Anyways...where were we,the college....yeahh!!
To start it off....I was soo worried and tenst for the 1st day......... that i caught the wrong bus.. (O_o) That gave me even more of tension. My college was supposed to start at 12 15pm and it was already 11 30pm..and i had not yet got a bus. Finally,I caught a rickshaw...The great indian traffic got me into more of a pannic! Even Kane West coudent help me out with his songs.. :P To add on to the tension and fustration,it started to rain...................(+_+) Wht else could have happened to ruin my day??!!!??!! I didnt want to be late for my 1st lecture in college...and luckily i wasent!!!!!! I still cant believe how i could reach there at 12 !! Huffing and puffing i entered class...
One of my fears of making friends with new people broke apart!!! Im really happy about that!! I cant believe that ive made sooo many  friends in just one day...! Finally i can say that ive broken out from my shell. I can easily speak to now people and make friends!! The teachers were one hell of a pain!! All of them enter the class saying the same old story,"do not bunk any lecture. 11th std is very important.Behave in the college.Be up to date with all that we teach you.Do not play around with your life at 11th.Concentrate on studies...."and it goes on and on and on and on .......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well,it will take a bit of time to get accostomed to their way of teaching...but it was funn.. (^_^) I love my classroom aloootttt!!! Its really big and airy. Space to breathe!!! Its something that ive not seen in my schooldays..maybe thats why i find it soo different,intresting and amusing :D ..I sometimes wonder why do the colleges have such big classrooms when students are gonna bunk?? I mean,half of the classroom is empty...Well,whatever it is...Im really happy to have a good start..I just hope my college days will go on this way...with mannny more friends!!! Im loving this aloott!! Finally im satisfied that i have come out of my shell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! :D