Tuesday, March 15, 2011

random thoughts..!!

Well, no great reason to blog... Nothing that special going on... Just an update because I’m too bored...
Well...One year of college has just passed on so quick that before anything can even get registered, it’s done! I’ve made great pals out there. Something I thought I’d never be able to do. Maybe I’ve got a tag of being too outspoken. But i kind of like that. Expressing what you think of a person right on his face instead of keeping it as a mystery to him and faking. I personally can’t fake at all. If i like a person i show it...and the same works visa versa. Complete opposite of what i used to be in school...an introvert.. It’s a memory..or precisely, a nightmare which always keeps lingering to me. A very weird past which takes most of me... But yeah, it has helped me a lot too.. Anyways! This aint about my past... it’s always gonna be about today...the present and the future...

Most of the people in college are double faced...Can’t be trusted easily... I know I shouldn’t be speaking about all these when I’m the one practically living around them. At the start it was hard for me to face them. It was surprising or rather shocking as to watch people behave like an angel in front of me and turn into a devil or worse than that when I’m not around. Everyone out there is only in search of some hot gossip to spread... :) well...Maybe that’s how college life is... Complicated...

The worst or maybe the best part of college life comes in is when the stupid phrase ‘love ’enters... From the very beginning I’ve been against love... Since it used to only create more and more of destruction and havoc in my life. Even then I had the guts to play around with myself and fall for some one... well, not actually falling... I came close to falling for someone.. :P before I could go overboard with my feelings, it got smashed terrifyingly.. Nothing new for me... the only thing new in this was that it happened before I could actually get serious about him... anyways, that is past too... now we are like good friends... ‘Good friends’ didn’t really work with me at the start... it took hell lot of time and energy to get used to things as ‘just good friends’ ... but later, I DID IT! That’s what matters at the end...
finally! No more whining for him... no more confused state of mind and no more jealousy...
 jealousy is another feeling that can nearly “KILL YOU”.... Trust me... I went closest to getting myself killed... anyways... I’m alive and blogging right now...

And here I am...once again...against love... just because I fear heartbreaks... it’s a hard truth...everybody knows that things have to end some day or the other... sometimes fast, sometimes slow... we can count on our fingertips as to how many couples actually continued their life ‘together’ till the end...
This is just my way of looking at stuff...nothing is really generalized in what i said... people have their own opinions... and I respect all of them... I believe that everyone has a right to think and put forth what they have to say about various issues...
When my friends are in love and they speak to me about it, I find it very cute and sweet... it’s very funny how people change when they get into a relationship!! ... Like any other girl, I’m always ready to help in such issues even after not having any experience... I have never felt jealous that I am not in a relationship... looking at the bright side of things makes it much more easier and comfortable to deal with... as of now I’ve again got myself trapped in this stupid love... and as usual I’m unable to get out of it... I see that daydreaming is one biggggg huge side effect of love... its pure distraction... well... let’s see how this love story of mine proceeds... I surely would love to know my future if things are gonna develop more than a one sided crush... well...as usual I have no great high hopes...

Anyhow... i find it  funny as to how much time one can spend thinking of ONLY ONE person throughout the day... it used to never make sense to me before... nor is it making any sense to me now even though I’m practically doing it... THIS IS A WIERD LIFE!!! Anyways...i guess that’s it for now...let’s just hope for the best...  :)

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