Monday, August 15, 2011

MY imaginary world

Imagination is pointless....surely, imagination opens all creative doors. But certain thoughts cannot be put into reality...! People may call it day dreaming or ‘living in your own world’...well, the world of my imagination is MUCH better than what the reality holds for me! So, I prefer living, building and structuring MY PERFECT WORLD! Most of the times, I refrain myself from thinking too deep about matters that may affect me. Yes, that also means that I’m hiding away from the truth. But I prefer saying, I don’t let the truth come into my way and create more confusion in the already confused life. I just keep it in a corner of my mind, shut and quiet.

My imaginary world is the best place a human would love to live in! It doesn’t have violence and hate. No bloodshed and no heart break. Everyone is free to choose what they like. Let it be who they love or what they would love to pursue as a courier. A beautiful place where people can listen to whatever genre of song they want and where there are no restrictions what-so-ever. My imaginary world is filled with such amazing people who do NOT break hearts, who do NOT take advantage of others, who wouldn’t betray you, who would stand by you all the time and who would love you till the end of their life. There aren’t any fakers in my world! No one would laugh at you. It’s like a beautiful fairy land where everyone finds their Mr. or Miss perfect! A place where happiness is surely found.

No, my world does not look like a Barbie doll movie set up! Not like what you see in cartoons or fairytale books. It is the reality which is a bit modified according to my suiting. I live in the same house; I have the same friends and go to the same places to study. The modifications are done only on the people! The people in my world are true in their hearts and not fake. They understand each other and money is not the notion behind every move. No one can be called a back stabber!

Sometimes, I tend to forget that this mean world is the reality. Where people are waiting to slit your throats and step on you to move further. so, I tend to be taken advantage of. No one cares a damn about your existence...but they surely will remember you only when you seem to be of some benefit to them. Such a suckish world! No wonder the phrase goes as “life is a bitch.”
Life aint no bitch, it’s the people in the life that make it suckish. Life is the most amazing thing one could get. And what we all do is just spoil it by ruining others happiness just to secure your own. Surely, I understand that ‘the fittest survive’ but that is applicable to animals. And we are known as HUMANS for a certain reason! It’s because we have something called as heart; we have certain measurable feelings which are called HUMANITY as a whole! People tend to forget that there is something known as humanity existing...I wonder where all the love has disappeared! Why is it that a 7 year old child has to be thought to fight back and get what you DESERVE!? Why would one get what he deserves when he’s not ready to give others what they deserve?!

These complaints will go on and on! Many people can add up to the list too. I just refrain from complaining. That’s the reason I created my own sweet world! Where I can be myself. I have the imagination skills and I’d like to put it into some productive usage. Making a world for myself and getting at least the momentary pleasure of knowing that...