Friday, July 29, 2011

A new beginning AGAIN! :D

Reading through the previous blogs was like reliving those moments! I could feel those butterflies in my tummy all over again; I could feel myself grinning in between.
Well, right now my life is going on very smooth! The kind of life I had always desired since the previous year! Calm and settled! Everything seems so clear now! A new meaning and a new ambition to work for! It’s A different and new prospective of looking at things around me. I thank all the shit that I had to go through the previous year. It’s because of those situations that I’ve raised the bar for myself.
I’m in 12th now. A serious year, wherein I need most of my concentration skills. Well, this year I can see dramatic difference in myself. I READ! NOW THAT IS SOMETHING I NEVER THOUGHT I’D DO! Instead, I love reading books! Books take you to a whole new world! The sad part is, it proves to be a great distraction when studies are taken into account. Studies have never been that interesting to me and now with these books around, it’s becoming impossible for me! I’ve learnt quiet a lot of things through reading. It also proves to be the best pass time! Oh! I cannot forget facebook! I practically live on both of them...!
My new aspiration ...determination is to become the greatest architect! I dwell on that thought every day. Living the life of an architect gives me an unusual high! It gives me immense pleasure to know that I will soon be writing my entrance exams! Well, I have the confidence that I can do great. For the 1st time, I prefer saying, I’ll do well for myself rather than for anyone else!
Another change in me which I can notice is that I’ve become too practical about everything. The drawbacks of having a hard time previously have left me with a stone heart. No more do I believe in trust and truth. Except the fact that I never lie. The only person I know I can trust is myself. The only person who is going to remain with me forever is myself again. I seem to understand the way of living. Just like what mom used to say....people out there are waiting when a soft person enters and they can take full advantage of him. She’d always warn me to be cautious and never trust anyone blindly. Well, I just prefer learning things the hard way round I guess ... Well, I’ve learnt how to tackle with such people. Better late than never!

The next new thing is that, even after all these hard days, I’ve risked my heart again. No matter how hard I try, it seems to be impossible to not love this guy! Anyhow, I still seem to be ready for the worst. As I said earlier, it takes most of me to trust someone in the first place... though I trust this guy; I also know things have to end sometime or the other. This is the only part where I think pessimistically. I won’t deny that fact. Till date, everything between us is going flawless. Just as it’s supposed to be! He can make me feel like I’m in heaven. He can get me dance! He is the one who reminds me day in and day out that I do have a heart and I still do have humane feelings existing in me. I don’t know about him but I surely love him a lot! I wouldn’t want anything to go wrong between us two. I love him for who he is!

Finally! I feel matured when I think that I’ve come up more strong, able and capable of facing more! I’m all ready to face everything again! The same enthusiasm has come into me. A new reason to work, a new goal to reach! It’s never going to stop. Many hurdles will come on the way but I’ll evolve through it. Anyways, that’s it for now! End of an amazing description of a pleasant part of life that I’m living in!