Thursday, October 7, 2010


Well...the 1st few days were filled with exitement. Bunking was something i had never done in school...thats why it was something really different for me..I always wanted to know why people loved bunking, I wanted to know what they did after bunking. I was eagerly waiting for college to start because of the fun people have in there...I used to be somehow really proud to say that i am in college. My inner mind will speak.."ïm finally out of school!! i'm finally out of the strict environment! i can do whatever i want! i get short...ive grown up!! "But then one has to wake up from his dream someday or the other..!! There are two sides of a can be real fun,but at the same time it can be realllyyyyy horrible....
After a few days of college...i came to terms with things going around me.Everything was confusing and freaking me out.Whatever was happening around me was completely new and different.For a few days i felt so lost in between 120 students!!! I didnt know how to use the newly got freedom.All of a sudden I understood what 'growing up' means...its not that fun after all! Various responsibilities croped up on me.
The teachers dont care a damn for you like what the teachers in school used to do.I mean,they dont even try to mingle with the students!!! All the teachers have this standard work to do in college... 1-enter the class...2-blabber something really stupid...3-and leave the class by putting the students to sleep....Thats when i understood the importance of 'bunking'!! Its better to sit outside college in the buring afternoon heat with your friends rather than get into the world of boredom sitting infront of a teacher who dosent care a shit about you...Some of the teachers are just not supposed to be where they are....Bunking is doubt...but later the concequences you have to face is terrible!! Its like offering a child her favorite chocolate and taking it away before the kid could even taste it...!!

The only thing that keeps you going those few hours of torture are the FRIENDS you have!! Without them I bet I will end up in coma....seriously!! Actually speaking...there is hardly anything good about college other than making new friends....My college somehow didnt satisfy my expectations...but anyhow..i try to keep myself happy with the things i have..Students from other colleges(colleges which are not as strict as my college is) keep telling me how unlucky I am to end up in this college..they tell me I dont have a college life to enjoy..Everytime I try to see something bright about college ass surely comes up telling me how unlucky i am to study in such a strict college...and eventually pull me down again.. :\  Well...there are always such jerks.............afterall...its the truth...and its bitter....anyways,this is getting more and more intresting.Everyday is different and complicated...hmmm...maybe this is how it is supposed to be.
The worst or maybe the best part of college life still awaits me...if you didnt get means that ive yet to fall in love..anyways..ciao for now..lets hope everything goes fine in college and things settle down.. :)